Meet My Famous Friends

Hardcover: $28.99 ON SALE $24.99
8"x8" Full color picture book - 34 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-9976807-5-1


Paperback: $14.99 ON SALE $9.99
8"x8"Full color picture book - 34 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0-9976807-6-8


“A veteran author jokingly creates puns on the names of famous figures in this brief introduction to history makers. An amusing picture book with strong illustrations that should whet readers’ appetites…” — Kirkus Reviews

Also available are 16 x 20 Posters of several famous "friends" from the book, which are ideal for classrooms, libraries, or kids' bedrooms. Click the image below to see more.



Meet My FAMOUS FRIENDS is a whimsical picture book that pays homage to great historical figures in imaginative ways.

Award-winning author/Illustrator Rich DiSilvio presents a broad array of geniuses and heroes in a humorous and compelling fashion by altering their names and appearances, whereby making us see very familiar people in a very different way.

While children will get a kick out of looking at the comical artwork, teens and even adults will appreciate the witty play on words, inventive creations, and perhaps glean a thing or two about a few of these iconic people who had a great influence on society. Their lives and contributions have uplifted humanity in various ways, thus being great role models for young and old alike.

As such, Meet My Famous Friends is a fun way to stimulate the imagination and foster a fondness for greatness.

Some of the famous people featured are:

Vincent van Goat
Susan Bee Anthony
Virginia Wolf
Salvador Dolly

Martin Luther Kingpin Jr.
Albert Eine-Stein
Mark Train
Lionardo da Vinci
Mary Cassette
Franz List
Giacomo Poochini
Sergei Procoughiev
Amelia Air-Heart
Pablo Picaxxo

and more.

5stars "DiSilvio has the rare talent of combining rich artwork with cultural literacy to create flights of imagination.  Meet My Famous Friends is a book that will inspire young people and the young at heart to make new friends in history!" -- JB McPherson for Readers' Favorite

Albert Einstein


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